John Tucker Music
Sandra McElwee
Born This Way Season 1 DVD


This Christmas share your favorite show with family, friends, teachers and even your children. Born this Way Season One is now on DVD Emmy winning series Born This Way offers an intimate look into the lives of seven young men and women born with Down syndrome, along with their families and friends available on Here

This set is manufactured ‘on demand’ so please order it by December 15th to be sure it arrives by Christmas. It’s taking an average of 7 days for delivery.(Even if you have PRIME.) Included is a link to download an Educator’s guide where Students will gain insights into the lives of those with Down syndrome and will see how people with Down syndrome live full and vibrant lives. The classroom Edition includes assessment activities to reinforce key learnings, Public Performance Rights (for classroom/educational use only) and a Downloadable Educator’s Guide that includes information on People First Language, Eliminating the ‘R’ word, Discussion Questions to guide classroom discussions after viewing each episode, essay prompts, and suggested homework activities. Recommended readings for children and recommended reaching on Disability Rights, History and Identity in America.


Born this Way Cast Member, Sean McElwee had three books written about him before he was ever cast on the show. Autographed Copies are available at: These books are shipped ‘book rate’ and take two to three weeks to arrive. will ship them faster, but they won’t be autographed. Order no later than December 5th for Autographed copies.

Who's the Slow Learner? A Chronicle of Inclusion and Exclusion

Who’s the Slow Learner? A Chronicle of Inclusion and Exclusion is the first book to chronicle a student with any disability from preschool to high school graduation. This book helps parents navigate the school system, while being entertained with the stories of Sean’s extremely successful primary school inclusion, and teaches them how to fight during his secondary school exclusion. Over and over again Sean’s typical peers stood up for his rights, not even realizing that they were learning how to become advocates. This book is great for educators who may not see the ‘parent’s perspective’ as well as parents who are currently striving for inclusion, or have babies and toddlers to prepare them for the future. Reader’s Reviews

Who’s the Slow Learner? Adventures in Independence

Who’s the Slow Learner? Adventures in Independence was originally one book with A Chronicle of Inclusion and Exclusion. This book begins at age 2.5, and includes the things done outside of school hours—offers a series of poignant and often hilarious anecdotes about Sean and his parents as they support and facilitate Sean’s life skills education at home through extracurricular activities. Follow along as he learns housekeeping skills and money management and moves on through his transition program and community college classes. Sean’s antics will keep you smiling, while others may scare you as he exerts his independence-at times without his parents’ knowledge or permission. Riding the bus, creative spending sprees, dating, moving into a supported living apartment and back home, and obtaining his first paid job-these stories will both entertain and inspire.

My Name is Sean and I Have Something to Share

My Name is Sean and I Have Something to Share is the book made to introduce Sean to his first grade classmates. The first version was very primitive, printed on the computer with the edges stapled together, the kids loved it. His teacher then sent it home for the parents to read it to them again…and the parents were educated. This book as a great template to create your own personalized book about your child to introduce them to their classmates. It is also a good tool to introduce Down syndrome in general to children, or explain to your child that he/she is just like Sean, and has Down syndrome too.

John Tucker CD The Project


John Tucker—the “Rap Artist Baby” has his music CD featuring his song ‘Shake Your Booty ‘available on his website at John’s CD should be ordered by December 15th.

Clothing and Accessories

Megan’s Tie Dye Clothing/Accessory line is available at Megan’s success has been overwhelming and according to her mom Kris, to receive items by Christmas please order no later than December 15th. And I wouldn’t even wait that long because Megology Designs are pretty hot items!

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